1. Beautiful Friendships - I've known these ladies so long. When I moved to Ontario in grade eight, they extended the gift of their friendship to me and my life has never been the same since. They are just as much a part of my family as any relative.
2. Roadtrips - I love to just get in the car and drive, I don't have to have a destination, sometimes I just wander to take photos, to document the parts of the world that speak to me through the eye of my lens.
I think part of me feels like I'm escaping the day to day routine when I take to the open road, enjoying new experiences and an adventure or two along the way.
This summer has included a weekend roadtrip to Chateau Montebello for M's wedding, the hotel is so beautiful, the grounds are lovely and the Chateau itself is rustic yet so elegant.
A beautiful model showcased the Lodge in the main hall of the Chateau.
My friend's Friday night wedding was followed up with a luxurious brunch the morning after which included another of my favorites.
3. Great coffee - Awesome breakfast options: I love brunch and nothing makes me happier in the morning than a good cup of strong coffee with some sustenance to go with it. The hotel did not disappoint me on this in one bit...
Next up on my Summer tour was a quick overnight trip to Montreal with two of my coworkers to see the Cirque de Soleil perform their masterpiece Totem. Under the big top, the Circus magic lured me in for almost four hours, tempting me to run away and join their troop of performers.
Totem is one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen live.
Nothing I could have imagined would have lived up to what these artists do with their talents to put together such moving pieces of dance, acrobatics and the most amazing show. The music was lively, the performers were so colourful, vibrant and full of emotion as they showcased their talents. My favorite was one of the final pieces where two native dancers performed on rollerskates on a round table that was covered in white fur, their costumes were so beautiful and the love their dance conveyed moved me to tears.
My other favorite part of Totem was how the performance ended. Each performer came to the stage but instead of bowing, the group kept growing and everyone from the first to the last act was involved in a group dance that bid good night to the crowd. The musical ending created such a positive vibe to finish such an amazing show.
4. Family - Enjoyed a short visit with my Mom at the Karrs Dog Show.
It may have rained while we were there, but it was nice to spend some time with her at her home away from home. As a surprise, I also brought my niece with me for the day. As soon as Ms. K knew she was going, she got to work creating a card for both Nana and Opa.
5. Baseball - For the Love of the Game.

I may not go to as many games as I used to, but my Summer is not complete without at least a few nights of cheering on the Ottawa Coyotes as they play recreational baseball.

As well as seeing some fun laid back baseball; I also enjoy getting to see wives and girlfriends of players as well as the little ones that come out to watch their dads play on a warm, summer night.
These five happy thoughts are just a few of the things I've enjoyed this summer... I hope to update with some Travelocity Gnome photos next as I take some snapshots with the Gnome on some touristy Ottawa adventures.

Until next time :)
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