I still have not been able to make my goal of posting weekly, with two jobs, staying on top of eating properly and just getting the everyday things done; I fall behind on a regular basis.
I don't know how to fix this, except to perhaps begin creating lists to keep me on track - as I also have a bit of a horrible memory and honestly forget things sometimes... it's so frustrating, so I am hoping a list might help me focus.
I am always really inspired by Andrea's hulaseventy blog, she's such a great photographer and she has a great outlook on life, so I thought after seeing that she is keeping 52 weeks of lists, this might be an option that could work for me in remembering all the stuff I want to get done; as well as the priority of what needs to get done... so let's see if that will help me make some new things part of my routine.
I went away for my birthday in April; I can hardly believe I am 35, it still seems so surreal to me.
I remember when I was a little girl and hearing that a relative was 35 or older and thinking they must be soooo old, yet at 35, I don't feel old nor do I fear my imminent death of decrepit old age coming on anytime soon.
My first list is an update of photos I took on my 35th birthday weekend in April. I took some time off for a road trip to Toronto to spend time with a dear friend and to see my aunt's family:
1. Snacks for the road trip

2. Driving along the 401 Highway:

3. Getting close to the big city - Port Hope:

4. Downtown Toronto - One of my favorite buildings besides the CN Tower:

5. Friday Night Blue Jays game - Blue Jays may have lost but it was a great game!

Until next time :)