Story of my life - I start a huge project as I get all inspired and in the beginning I get all swept up in the process of creating until life gets hectic and said project gets left by the wayside...
However, I loved the idea of a place to post my photos more and talk about them and the moments that make life precious, so I am going to do my best to post on a regular basis and we'll see how it goes.
In May I went to Jamaica with my sister for a week, it was a beautiful vacation where I took almost 1500 photos - a little crazy I know, but I wanted to capture the beauty of the island and all the moments of our trip that we enjoyed together.
This is the apartment we stayed in for the week. My sister's husband is from Jamaica and his 2 daughters who live in Mandeyville were joining us for a few days in Montego Bay. They were lovely, fun and so friendly to us; we couldn't have asked for better companions in part of our stay.

Until next time :)