All the leaves are brownFall is my favorite season.
And the sky is grey
I've been for a walk
on a winter's day
I love Fall weather.

(Shot of Park Bench in Bate Island Rest Area)
The sun still shines during the day reminding us of the Summer's hot days; but the cool crisp air reminds us that winter is on it's way just around the corner. I love that it is cool enough for a sweater, but a jacket is not needed just yet.
I love all the Fall colors.
Brilliant Red, Orange and Yellows swirling in the wind and finally falling off the trees.

(Shot of the city and changing leaves from above)
And then the stark contrast as the trees lose their leaves and come to rest against a grey sky for the long winter season.
(Shoreline in Kingston on Thanksgiving Monday 2009)
I love the smell and tastes of the season.
Hot chocolate, vanilla, apple cider and cinnamon that reminds me of Fall mornings. Of apples fresh from the Orchard, hot soups to warm you from the inside out. All the holiday goodies like Hallowe'en candy; Turkey, pumpkin and apple pie warm from the oven at Thanksgiving; shortbread cookies, butter tarts, fruitcake, and turkey with all the fixings at Christmas.
(Shot of our Thanksgiving Turkey 2009 - 1st Turkey attempt ever)
I love the way Fall makes me think about the cycle of life.
Perhaps it's the nesting and preparation for Winter or just an unconcious inclination towards hibernation; but I often find myself thinking about my role in the world, my family, and my own life at this time of year.
Reflecting on a new school year for my niece; remembering September 11th; getting back into the groove at work after a summer full of fun and play with a lighter workload; finding a routine that works; being thankful for what I have and taking time to reflect on that at Thanksgiving; remembering our fallen soldiers and veterans on Rememberance Day; and then getting ready to enjoy another holiday season that always comes so fast.

(My nephew, my niece and I - October 2009)
There are so many reasons I love this season. I just wish Fall was not the bearer of the bad news every year that Winter will soon be here...
Until next time :)